Boost Your Metabolism - Facts On Metabolism

By Robert William Locke

Lots of diets talk about your body metabolism and use expressions like ‘stoking your metabolism’ or ‘kick-starting your metabolism’. But what does it all really mean ? Read this article to discover what exactly is going on before considering any weight loss program.

Body metabolism is composed of two separate divisions of activity: one is the breaking down of tissues, called catabolism; the other is the building up of tissues, called anabolism. Increasing the body's rate of metabolism may be your answer to weight loss. Some people advocate ketone body metabolism which is an evolutionarily conserved process that spares protein breakdown so that the brain can function for long periods without food. But this is still very controversial.

The higher your metabolism is, the less likely you are to have excess body fat. In fact, increasing your body's metabolism is one very effective way to lose weight. It uses calories to process and digest the foods you eat, using calories to maintain body muscles, keep your heart pumping, make your organs function properly and even to make your hair and nails grow. When you severely restrict your caloric intake, the body automatically decreases its energy expenditures to the bare minimum, because it thinks you're starving. Muscles take more energy for the body to maintain, so you automatically burn more calories and have a higher metabolism when you have more toned muscle on your body. Boosting your metabolism not only helps you lose weight, it also helps give you more energy. Essentially when you start working to increase your body's metabolism, you are teaching it that you need more energy throughout the day. Since it's using more energy to keep you maintained, it will step up the process and actually provide you with more energy too. The body requires about 60-65% of your daily caloric intake to provide energy basically for life support.

Increasing Your Body Metabolism Rate
In fact, with proper nutrition and exercise, your body's metabolism rates can actually be increased enough to allow you to be able to eat almost anything you want, within reason of course. The body's rate of metabolism naturally decreases with age due to the decrease in physical activity and amount of lean muscle tissue. Taller individuals have a higher rate of metabolism than shorter individuals. The body's rate of metabolism can decrease in response to a diet without the incorporation of regular exercise.

If you need to know more about body metabolism and discover which foods will make your body run like an Italian sports car, then look at the link below.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness.

If you need to know more about body metabolism and discover which foods will make your body run like an Italian sports car, then look at the link below.

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