How To Get Balance In Your Business To Enjoy And Live Your Own Life

By Sue Seward

All of us baby boomers at one time or another can be driven crazy trying to juggle everything we have going on!

In particular women! Especially working women and/or women who run a business!
I'm not trying to push the men aside but women usually have quite a bit of responsibility including taking care of the men in their lives and with the baby boomer generation many may also be caring for aging parents.

For the last ten years while building a home business and career in Network Marketing I've had to juggle family responsibilities, taking care of the home front and also find the time for myself which is oh so important! Because if we're stressed and maxed out then no one wins! So self-development has been a major part of my success over the years.

The point of having a business is owning your life! If you have no time to have fun and enjoy your life then you're not living much of a life are you?

So how DO we balance our very busy stressed filled lives?

Here's a few tips that I've used over the years sometimes learning the hard way!


This is a tough one for those of us with DRIVER personalities. We want to do it ALL and get the credit to boot.

It's great to be a recruiting machine, win all the awards, make the most money, be on the top at all times, etc. but remember this can also set us up for doing most if not all the work and can stress us out to the max! I know because I was like this.

You know the ole, if I don't do it myself it won't get done right.

I love recognition too. I'm a Ruby, driver personality but I've also got a lot of the Pearl , helper personality. In the beginning I was helping TOO much. Doing TOO much for people. Giving TOO much to the wrong people. You know the Mother Teresa syndrome.

Through Lot's of growing, learning and developing, I've learned to marry them both and balance them out together so that I'm doing a lot more delegating to the right business leaders.

I'm making a lot more money and most importantly living my own life!

So what's more important to you? Making a great income or having a great title? Title's are more like corporate America . They make you feel important but most titles don't always pay that well.

For instance, just look at the title of teacher? Teachers are very important and we certainly need them but do they make a great income? Usually not and that's really unfortunate.

My husband has several great titles like a college degree and five professional survey licenses AND Vice President of his company for ten years and guess what?

Little ole me with no great titles to my name makes twice as much income as he does!

He's always gone for security and I thank God for that because he's supported me for ten years while I've built a career in Network Marketing! Now I'm securing our future.

Being a smart entrepreneur that loves to win does pay well!

In Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's new book 'Why We Want You To Be Rich' they mention the quadrants again that Robert talks about in his Rich Dad Poor Dad books.

People in the 'B' quadrant or Business quadrant hire PRESIDENTS!

That means they delegate!

How do we know who a good president for our business would be?

These are the people we've surrounded ourselves with that we trust, the ones that SHOW UP and prove they are leaders. These are the only people we delegate too.

What you have to do in your Network Marketing business is find you some really good presidents to delegate to! You may need 10 or 15 of these presidents depending on your program. These are the CEO's of your business. Surround yourself with top people at all times.

Having a great team gives you leverage! This isn't something I made up. Robert Kiyosaki said it and I just happen to have one so know it's true!

Constantly be working on yourself and becoming the best you can be and finding other like-minded people just like YOU!

Learn how to clone yourself! Teach others what you do and then delegate to them to do the same. Learn to let go and see others get the credit too. They win and so will you.

Trust me, you'll make plenty of money and you'll have LEVERAGE.

Ahhhh, the cream-dela-cra of Network Marketing.

So many people are busy doing all the work that they never quite experience the Leverage that is so wonderful in this industry! They are the ones doing all the sponsoring and not duplicating themselves.

So this is crucial to understand if you want to live your own life.

Delegate other separate around your household too. If you can afford it hire a housekeeper. If you have teens delegate specific chores to them and hire them to help you with your business. I hire my son to help me with administrative duties in my business. There's some great tax advantages in doing this too!

Make sure you have a separate checking account, debit and credit card for your business and hire an accountant to do your taxes that understands home business tax deductions.

Make sure you are leveraging tools effectively that help you save time like
Autoresponders, personal websites, Group Mail, Email, Conference Calls, Recorded Calls, Sizzle Calls, etc. These are all tax deductable too!

Then teach the presidents you sponsor how to use them too.

Put a system in place for your presidents to plug into and have their presidents duplicate.

If you do not have a system in place then find someone who does (usually your upline partners) and plug into their system, learn it, and then duplicate it by having all your presidents do the same.

This is what I've done and it's worked really well to provide the leverage to enjoy and own my own life.

PS After finishing up this article I went back to read another chapter in Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki's new book 'Why We Want You To Be Rich' and lo and behold what did they say was the key to financial freedom, enjoying, and living your own life?

LEVERAGE! Guess I HAVE learned a thing or two over the last ten years!

Copyright © 2006 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.

Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, top income earner with her company, who has been working from home online since 1996. She encourages millionaire mind thinking and shows people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term business profits. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. To find out more about how Sue builds her business online visit

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