Life is a Game!

By Carmen Reid

Remember how when you were a kid at school and there were all these different groups in the school yard playing different games? Life is no different. We are all here on earth (the school yard) participating in various different games.

The games to which we are participants are the ones which interest us. We want to experience what the game has to offer. The experiences offer many different facets. We may have a need to experience supporting an individual or a group of people toward a common goal. You may want to experience the exhilaration of winning or the defeat of loosing. We may have a need to experience struggle and conquest or struggle and defeat. We may need to feel joy or sadness.
And none of these experiences are in themselves bad or good. The experiences simply are.

Many times we start out with an intention to fulfill an experience and in the middle of the
experience we change our minds. We feel that the situation is too hard and we would rather have the other state. So we try to immediately create that state without fully experiencing the first chosen state. And thus we set up an environment of struggle unintentionally where we cannot easily move out of the game we are presently in. Do you get the picture?

The situation looks like this - we have chosen to play on a team without first considering the team's mission because that is what we have been programmed to do by our society. (We get a job in the corporate world just like our parents and friends have in the past). But in the middle of the game, we decide that we want to experience something else. (we want more money, more appreciation, more free time for ourselves). But we are already on this team where the team's mission is not aligned with those things. (you've already bargained for a set pay, being appreciated is a random thing and there are so many people competing for appreciation that you just can't stand out, you've already agreed to work 40-80 hours to further that team's goals).

So now, we take on this momentous task of changing our situation in mid-course without fully experiencing that which we've committed to. We push back and resist the experience. We complain that the money is too little, we're under appreciated, how we have to work too hard.
Completely forgetting that this is what we originally signed up for. We want it to change right now. While you are on the field and the team is depending on you to fulfill your original obligations. You complain to the coach and he says you just cannot leave the game in the middle. I have no one to take over your position.

Just like a real game in the school yard, if you were to finish the game and give your notice (that you were moving to a new team), the information would be better received and the coach would let you off the team. No resisting here - just decisive action. Can you see how we create stand stills in our lives by changing our direction in mid-stream without completing what we originally set out to do?

What areas in your life are you trying to change the course today in mid stream and not making progress? How could you stop resisting the present situation in order to let the game end so that you can start a new game?

Many people are stuck in the money game. You want money but are not getting it. This is because you had chosen another game and are presently in that game. If you could only stop the counter productive struggle by fully experiencing the present game and concluding it - you could decisively move out of the condition, end the game and be free to choose another game ( the game of money abundance) in short order.

Really think about this today and if you truly desire a change, be willing to fully experience that which you are resisting. You can rest assured that this game will come to an end sooner than it would, had you continued to resist it. Carmen is presently playing the money game to win. If you are ready and interested in joining her game of money abundance, suspend your reservation and ask to join her winning game of personal and financial freedom today.

Carmen Reid escaped the corporate world 2 years ago to a life of personal and financial freedom

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