The Law of Attraction Made Easy

By Tim Buist

Inevitably when people learn of the law of attraction for the first time, two things often happen.
One, they learn several different takes on the fundamentals of how to use the law of attraction, and before long they are confused and a bit overwhelmed at how many things they must "think" about, or practice to get it right. Or two, they read a brief overview of the premise and miss the most important aspect of the law, then wonder why it doesn't seem to work for them.

Actually, it can be made easy, if you are focused on the core concept and learn to master it. As they say practice makes perfect, and it's no different here. So here is the whole lesson, and not in a nutshell, I really mean the whole lesson!

Whatever you feel, you attract.
Did you get that? That's all. It does not need to made any more complicated than that. That is the core point, so focusing on all the points around this point, can lead to frustration. If you want to study the topic more, there are tips and tricks you can learn to feel the way necessary for attracting what you want.

What about your thoughts?
Do your thoughts impact what you feel? Certainly. Do your beliefs impact your thoughts and vice versa? Sure do. So you can knock yourself out learning about how to master your thoughts...but don't lose sight of the crux of the entire law of attraction. You are a universal, energized being that sends out vibrations, based on what we call "feelings" in this existence. What you feel is truly up to you. It sounds easy, and it is. But only when you absolutely accept and believe, in other words - truly know, that your thoughts determine what you feel. It was a thought that put you here in the first place. If you didn't first think about coming to this place called Earth with all its wonders, you would not be here. You created it, the moment you thought it. Of course this was at a time when you were a non-physical being, and thoughts were instantaneously your reality. But now that you have dreamed up this place with space and time, you have a buffer between the initial thought and the manifestation here. Good thing too, we all have thoughts every day, which if were made to be instant reality...look out!

It always comes back to how you feel.

So getting back to the purpose of this article...your thoughts create feelings, your feelings create magnetic vibrations to attract like-thoughts and feelings, and since it is your mind that creates your experience in the first is law that your experience will indeed become that of your thoughts.

So if it's really your thoughts that create your life, why do I say that it's your feelings that determine what you attract. Well, try to monitor your thoughts for just one hour...every thought you have. Yeah right! If you can do this, congratulations...but as the law of attraction states...creation can (and should!) be effortless, that's why your "bigger", wiser self, created feelings, or emotion to guide you.

So what are you thinking right now? Well, it's simple, how do you feel right now? Are you relaxed, joyful, excited, engaged, or peaceful? You can name any number of feelings but they can all be classified as good, or bad. I will not go into the bad list, for that would not serve those that want to focus on good thoughts, to create good feelings...but you know what the not-so-good ones are. And if your thoughts are not in agreement with what the real you wants, you'll be getting those bad feelings...and the law of attraction works just the same for all feelings, bad or good.

So in conclusion, there is much that you can study to help master the law of attraction and become more knowledgeable on the subject...if that's your goal. But, if your goal is only to master the law, it is as easy as feeling what you want. Expect it, believe it, and act as if it already is reality...because if you feel that IS reality! Soon, your physical environment will come to resemble the way you come into line with reality (which is your thoughts and feelings). Most folks go through life trying to do exactly the opposite...working on their life situation in the hopes it will make them feel they way they want.

So there you have go start feeling the life of your wildest dreams!

Tim Buist is a student of the law of attraction among other spiritual quests to support the new age of consciousness. Broaden your knowledge of the law of attraction by visiting:

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