The Law of Attraction - How it Works

By Megan Jenifer

The seeming phenomenon of this new “awareness” of the Universal Law of Attraction is sweeping the world, especially since the release of the eye-opening movie The Secret. Even though critics of the movie suggest that there were so many important things left out of the movie, the version with Abraham-Hicks went into details about how to activate this Law. Other scientist featured in the movie, such as Fred Alan Wolfe, went into the metaphysical reasons about how it works.

Simply stated, activating the Law of Attraction, paraphrasing the movie, is a three step process: Ask, Believe and Receive.

The Asking, according to Abraham-Hicks is done with thought vibrations and feeling. The Universe is made of vibrating particles of energy, of which we all consist of. Because of this energetic connection, our thought forms are energy signals that are projected into the Universe. Our emotional guidance system, according to Abraham-Hicks, is our personal indicator that lets us know when we are closer to realizing that which we’d like to see or that which we’d not like to see. Our thoughts and feelings do the asking. Not necessarily the words.

Believing is the next step in the process. Once the thought form is created, the belief sustaining this thought will be fueled often by emotion. Beliefs are very strong opinions that actually create your truth and your reality. When you have a strong belief for something to happen, usually it does. When you have a strong belief about something not happening, the ironic thing is that it also happens. This baffles a lot of people because underlying/subconscious beliefs are asking too. There’s a process beyond this that can help clear out these underlying beliefs if this really concerns you.

The last step is Receiving. The receiving part of the process is probably the most difficult for most people because it involves allowing: getting beyond resistance and attachment to the outcome…actually letting go. Often times, when we want something so badly, the feeling and thought-form surrounding it is “lack.” The Universe picks up on this vibration of “lack” and in turn returns more lack of whatever it is that you’re really asking for. So, to receive with success, requires you to release blockages and to cleanse areas of the subconscious that could be sabotaging your efforts without you even really being aware of it. This is what can frustrate some people with activating the Law.

The process of Ho’oponopono goes into more details about releasing. Some call it The Secret behind The Secret. To get a glimpse of what Ho’oponopono involves and how you can incorporate it with the Law of Attraction, visit the article The Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono.

Megan Jenifer operates the blog which is all about The Law of Attraction. She loves giving away free stuff and is now giving away a free copy of her special report, “The Top 10 Ways Most People Repel Money.” In addition to this free report, you’ll also have a free membership to her newsletter. You’re not going to believe what you get when you sign-up and it’s all free.

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