Affiliate Marketing - Did You Buy The Book?

By Steve Phipps

Yeah, me too. I bought the book, got the free website and the t-shirt. The only thing I did not get was the $30,000 a month the "guru" promised because everyone is making money online.

As a matter of fact a bought a bunch of the "wealth programs" or online money making e-books.
You know the ones with the fancy software box that gives the appearance that you are getting more than just a downloaded document. I also got the 14 free bonuses that did not seem to help anymore than the piece of paper I downloaded.

Sure I believe there was some information in there on how to make money online but I was brand new and had no idea where to get started.

Affiliate Marketing or Internet Marketing, whatever you want to call it, is a legitimate way to make a very good amount of money online. When you first get started the "book" you got from the "guru" helped you learn many new cool phrases like:

*PPC / Pay Per Click
*Email Marketing
*Article Marketing
*Long Tail Keywords
*Split Testing
*Opt-In List

It was cool to learn all these new phrases but what the heck was I going to do with this new found knowledge. They showed me how they are used but never said a thing about why I was using them or what to expect when I launched that PPC campaign and did not know to turn off the content network feature. That was a couple hundred dollar lesson right out of the gate.

Maybe I just missed something and I'll just get another program to show me how to make money online. After all I have already spent a few hundred dollars on the first book and the disaster of an adwords campaign. What's another $39.95. Hey cool, another free website that is "fully optimized" for me to make money on "auto pilot". Wish I could figure out how to turn on that auto pilot.

There are thousands of people making money with affiliate marketing and for each one of them there are ten losing there shirts because they "bought the book" and now they know exactly how to make money online. So they jump on that first PPC campaign. Wonder what's going to happen?

If you are interested in getting training on Affiliate Marketing and you're tired of all the "e-books" you can check out this site that provides information about a real online interactive learning site with some one on one support.

Visit This Site For More Information

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