How Do You Say No To Credit Card Accounts When They Are So Addictive?

By Roger Overanout

Credit card accounts are just so useful that it is easy to become addicted to using them. With a credit card in your pocket you have instant access to money up to your credit limit, the problem is that it is borrowed money and you will have to pay high rates of interest on any balance you leave outstanding at the end of the month. So if you had become addicted to using your not so flexible friend what can you do about it?

I think the first step is that you have to be prepared to admit to yourself that you have a problem with your credit card use, and you have to decide that you and only you are going to do something about it. This is not easy, it requires determination and effort on your part but if you're prepared to take the necessary steps you can cure your credit card account addiction.

I am not suggesting that you should necessarily get rid of your credit card, though if this is the only way you can cope with credit card debt then so be it, get the scissors out and cut the card up.

If you can maintain some budgeting discipline then keep your credit card but use it with care and make sure that your expenditure does not exceed your income and the outgoings you have on your present bills.

Try and get a low interest credit card this will make it easier to reduce the outstanding debt at the end of each month, the target you should aim for is to pay off your total outstanding balance every month.

It is a simple fact that if you do not pay off your credit card balance when it is due them the interest charges start to increase significantly and you will very quickly find yourself with a large debt. Once you get into this position it can very quickly become a real nightmare. Your number one objective should be to always pay more than the minimum payment required each month.

If you find you have become addicted to using your credit card account seek help from a qualified debt counsellor immediately. You'll be surprised how many other people are in the same position as you and by taking advice early you will limit the problems and make it easier to get out of the credit card debt spiral.

Using credit cards is just so easily they give us instant gratification without apparently having to part with any real money, of course that's an illusion. You have to learn your lesson with credit card accounts if you are in debt set up a budget to pay off your current outstanding balance, making your goal to get this paid off within a certain period of time, if it is your firm intention to clear this debt within a given time scale you will be less inclined to add to your credit card debt.

If all else fails cut up your credit cards and deal in cash only, I know it's not as easy or convenient but the fact that you have to budget and plan how much cash you have in your in your purse or wallet will in itself help you to take control of your credit card debt and help you to break your addiction to credit card accounts.

To find out more about Credit Card Accounts check out the articles at

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