Easy Tips to Learn Spanish

By Jacob R Freeman

Learning a foreign language like Spanish is difficult, but can be made even more difficult by time constraints and simply living life. I was born in California, and took three years of Spanish in high school, and yet I never felt comfortable even uttering the simplest words in Spanish. Soon thereafter, I decided to visit Honduras, a Spanish speaking country and I wanted to be able to speak while there. In becoming fluent in Spanish, I discovered some tips that will help you succeed in your studies:

First, ask yourself when you want to study Spanish and determine how much time a day you can dedicate to the study of Spanish. Let's face it, in order to learn you must study and study regularly.

Second, you need to decide how you are going to study Spanish. There are many options available, ranging from cheap to expensive. You can hire a tutor or take a class. You can order an internet program or buy a book. I checked out a series of CD's once from the library and listened to them in the car. This helped me with conversational Spanish, but did not help me learn to read or write.

Third, you need to determine what your goals are with the study of Spanish. Do you intend to become conversationally fluent? Do you want to read and write Spanish? I would recommend learning conversation Spanish at the same time you learn to read and write Spanish.

Learning Spanish or any foreign language is exciting and opens new doors to you. Do not get discouraged but continue your pursuit and you will become fluent.

Jacob Freeman spoke only English until he was an adult. Jacob found that learning Spanish as an adult was much easier than people made it out to be as a result of his experience and publishes a blog http://www.squidoo.com/easy-tips-to-learn-spanish/ for anyone who wants to learn Spanish. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/easy-tips-to-learn-spanish/

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