Push Pins and the Law of Attraction

By Michael Losier

So what makes a good Law of Attraction tool? That's easy. One that makes you give your attention, energy and focus towards your desires in a positive way.

In the last few years I have had the opportunity to travel worldwide delivering Law of Attraction seminars to thousands of people. Given that I am a visual person (someone that likes to 'see' things); I wanted to be able to 'view' my travels at-a-glance. I got the idea on one of my 12 hour flights while browsing through an in-flight catalogue, when wham! - I saw it. I found what I could do to document my travels - get a large world map and use coloured flag push pins.
I got excited about this idea of being able to use flag push pins on a map to show where I have been. This was going to be fun.

The next day after arriving home from traveling, I decided to visit my barber, who unfortunately was not available, as they were renovating their shop that day. I decided to go to another barber and found a small little shop in Victoria that I had not been to before. I was waiting with all the other customers in the reception area, when this happy, positive barber peeks around the corner of his little stall, and says "Who's next?" Well, it was me, so I got up, walked over to his small cubicle and took a seat. He spins the chair around and guess what I see?
In front of me is a large world map, full of hundreds of push pins, showing all the countries his customers have come from. That was so Law of Attraction that I laughed with delight as I was seeing evidence manifesting that which I just gave attention to the day before.

The same day, I go to a stationery store and purchase a huge world map and three packages of push pins shaped liked flags in red, green and yellow.

I set up the world map in my office and began my fun exercise of placing red pins on the cities I have traveled to; cities in Canada, USA, Mexico, Greece, Ireland, UK, Australia and New Zealand. It was an acknowledgement process for me, noting my own personal success of having traveled and taught Law of Attraction to so many people in so many foreign cities.

Next, I used the yellow push pin flags and selected the cities where I was next scheduled to teach Law of Attraction. I flagged Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Victoria and New York.

The third colour, the green push pin flags, I used to select countries where I WANT to visit and teach Law of Attraction in. Hmmm... where did I want to go? I selected three countries: Dubai, Spain and Brazil. I've not been to any of these places and think it would be fun to go teach there.

Now each time I walk into my home office, I see my large world map, I'm proud of where I've been, where I am going, and of course, the three green flags showing where I want to go next.
Each time I view this map, I'm setting the energy in motion by giving attention, energy of focus to these unchartered countries.

On September 25th, I received a call from the Spanish publisher of my book, saying "We would love for you to come to Spain to support us in launching your book here in January - all expenses paid, and we'll arrange seminars and media opportunities." Of course, I celebrated this manifestation and changed the green pin in Spain to a yellow pin, showing my upcoming tour in Spain. Say YES, if you love that!

To date, my current book Law of Attraction is being published in 28 languages, and landing in the top 10 in many languages.

I'm looking forward with anticipation to visiting Dubai and Brazil... then what country is next?
I encourage you to build your own world map of travels, setting the energy in motion for what you desire. Have fun.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience. For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit http://www.LawOfAttractionBook.com

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