Avoiding The Photographer and Videographer From Hell

By Linda Leon

Your wedding day ought to be the most memorable and the most wonderful event of a lifetime. There is absolutely no greater let down than when you get the copies of what should have represented your dream come back as substandard because your videographer and your photographer did a horrible job. And I bet you probably know someone that experienced the photographer and videographer from hell. Here are some helpful hints to keep you from getting burned.

1. If you want a photographer and a videographer do not select them separately. Ask either of them to recommend someone that they have successfully worked with in the past. This is critical because chemistry has a lot to do with how your end results will be. When they have worked together in the past, they know each others style and will respect each others shots. Otherwise things become very territorial and unless the photographer and the videographer come to terms before the event you run the risk of not getting the absolute best because instead of working together they will be working from the standpoint of avoiding getting in each others shots. If you do not wish to have the photographer and the videographer from a recommended source, at least try to get them together before your wedding to establish ground rules.

2. Understand that you really do get what you pay for. Many people want to have a great services at a budget price. You will be able to find them, and you will get a production from them. However, since the work of the photographer and the videographer will represent your lasting memories, I would recommend getting those that price within the industry. Because if your photographer or videographer is charging industry rates then they know what industry professionals are defined as. Which means they will have commercial industry equipment and work with commerical industry editing software, and they will be trained in creative imaging.
This sets them a part and is worth the investment. Your pictures and videos will not be point and click. They will be creative and stunning.

3. View samples of their work and read their contracts. Most will have a demo for you to view. If you don't get a demo at least ask for references. A good videographer and photographer will have a contract. They normally will require a percentage down, full payment before the event and rights to use your wedding for promotions. This is pretty standard.

4. Cooperate with your hired professional. Lighting is a critical element and there are many factors that effect this. If they recommend a particular lighting level work with them because it will ensure your best footage. Other things that present problems are buildings with lots of glass or shooting in direct sunlight. Your photographer or videographer may recommend changing some things because of this. I would recommend working with them.

5. If you wish to meet with them request meetings only after you have researched what you want that way you will be ready to make a contract when you meet with them. They will appreciate you for respecting their time. I personally have had meetings with clients that were not ready to make a contract during the meeting and then when they were ready the time was already booked. Please don't miss the opportunity to work with a quality professional. Do all your homework first and then be ready to select a vendor.

6. Be kind to your hired professional. You will be surprised how many upgrades you can get for free just by working with them in a kind manner.

7. Ask persons that used their services at their weddings to make recommendations.

8. Ask questions and here are a few good ones:

How much time will it take to get my video back? If it is shorter than 3-4 weeks barring any previous edits that must be finished before your event I would want to know more. Quality productions take time.

What editing software do you use? Professional photographers will usually use high end Adbobe type programs for paint, touch up and creative composites. Professional videographers will ususally use Adobe Premier for PC and Final Cut Pro for Macs.

Ask them about their upgrades. These type people are very creative and you might find a few things that are available that you did not know existed. Such as streaming the video live for guest that can make the wedding. Or have a site where your wedding can be displayed for 30 days for people we weren't able to make it. Also they can make copies for anyone that you would like. Videographers also offer video thank you cards for about $7-$10 a DVD.

9. If either of them knows other wedding professionals ask them about it, because it can make your event easier and quicker to plan.

10. Ask about specials. They often run specials. They discount deposits and even give some events for free. Their promotional opportunities can work out wonders for your budget. Here are some places to find discounted or free stuff in addition to opportunites run by photographer and videographers:

About.com wedding freebies - they have a lot of good stuff Bridal Freebies.com - they have a lot of good stuff and lots of variety theislandminister.com - this is a very good site to find great stuff in Texas Texanweddings.com - they travel and do excellent photography/ Recently heard that they may be giving a free photo shoot for brides early in 2008 ibn7.tripod.com ( no www.) - Excellent travelling videographers offering a free video production for brides with love stories, drawing for winner will be held on Christmas Eve 2007.

With these pointers in mind you will be well equipped to avoid the photographer and videographer from hell. Good luck on your upcoming special day!

Linda Leon worked in the television industry for number of years and does freelance videographer work. Making brides happy is her speciality. Feel free to contact her at email dearlinda1@yahoo.com or view her demo at http://www.visualbride.com under MVP Productions for Texas videographers.

©copyright 2007 by Linda Leon. Leon.

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