Meat Eaters Versus Vegetarians

By Julie Eden

The first humans populating the Earth ate a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables according to the Old Testament. Humans had neither fangs nor claws to kill, nor the swiftness to catch animals.
According to Dr. Josiah Oldfield writes;

"Today there is Scientific fact assured - Man belongs not to flesh eaters, but to the fruit and vegetable greens, sprouts and seed eaters."

Take a look at Dr. Josiah Oldfields web site:

It is a known fact that eating flesh of dead animals is hard to digest and some of it rots in the gut before elimination can take place and this putrefying residue is absorbed into the blood stream and it poisons the entire system.

Flesh eating animals have a much shorter colon for faster elimination where as humans do not. In humans some of the putrefying residue in the gut causes premature aging, fatigue, toxicity and worms feasting on this waste. The cells of the body must be supplied with the proper nourishment to efficiently eliminate this waste and when something blocks this process, the cells and organs deteriorate and die.

By the time meat eaters reach the age of 50 years they will have accumulated a lot of undigested meat rotting in their gut.

Some human beings- inflict pain on one another, eat their own kind, murders, abuses its offspring and subjects cruelty towards their fellow creatures. Can you tell me what animal does all this, to its own kind or that of others?

Is this type of behaviour in humans influenced by a diet of eating meat? Does it play a role in brain degeneration, insanity, aggresiveness, and general health problems?

I have met groups of Vegetarians and have noticed that they do not display this form of behaviour, they are easier to get along with, well balanced, harmonious with their family and friends.

As meat eaters, how can you, on one hand, support against the slaughter of whales, dolphins, seals and all the other oceans creatures when you support eating meat regardless of whether it swims, flies, or walks. Your against eating Dog or Cat, but support eating Cows, Chickens, Fish, Rabbits and Sheep, these animals are all living entities and have as much right to be here as we have.

Meat eating was never intended to play a part in human nutrition. It is considered barbaric that the humans who still enjoy eating meat have no idea on the pain and suffering inflicted on these animals.


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