There Is No Place Like Home... Or ... I Would Live Here

By Iuri Tarabanov

Many people are traveling across the world, some of them have already visited all major countries of the world and have enough experience to compare it all. Others are planning their first trip – as the recent news told us – a Briton wants to cross the Europe – several thousands miles – on the skateboard! An unusual means of transport, isn't it? Though he is a professional and rides the board for already 11 years.

Anyways, if you are traveling, that surely brings you pleasure. I mean not those business trips, when you don't have even time to think about yourself, and only meetings, meetings, meetings, talks and other things that make the trip actually to everyday work.

No matter if you it is an experienced traveler and this trip is another one from the dozens that he had already made, or a rookie that stares with the wide open eyes at all that surrounds him and wonders how beautiful this world is – these both have one thing common. They both have already thought at least once in their lives - “I would live here.” Right here – that window, or that building, or this city... this country. Anyway, sometimes, while you explore this planet, some places seem to be fabulous and so wonderful, beautiful... that the good old “there is no place like home” loses it's sense. And you stark to think of something better.

Once after you have seen something that exploded you mind, changed your way of thinking and does not let you sleep anymore, you are infected. You have only a couple of choices. One of them - you become one of those restless idealists that rush across the world, seeking for a better place to live in. And always better. They probably live for a couple of months, maybe years in a specific place, that could be a marvelous seaside location, or a mountain slope, or whatever they would dream of. And after that, this poison of idealistic knowledge that there is always something better out there – makes them stand up and travel again, on and on, throwing glances at other, a little bit worse locations, which bring them short-term happiness that they have made the right choice. And after that, comes another beautiful place to live in. And they are full of emotions again – because they found... found another paradise for their souls. Which will disappear after a couple of months or years at the new place.

Actually, this is not the worst way to spend your lifetime. I am not sure if it makes happy, but at least – you have touched this planet, know what where is, and possess the knowledge about the things that are probably better for you. Not many people have such an opportunity and freedom.

But there is another way, when you think of it - “Yes, I would surely live here. For the rest of my life.” And then you struggle and do everything to get there. And after you get there – this does not make you happy anymore. I am living right now in a city that is visited with several tens of thousands of tourists per day. And I do not notice the beauty of this city. Only a couple of days a month I realize what wonderful city it is and how many people dream to live here. And this makes me happy for a while and I am glad that it happens so oft, not really seldom. This is the worst side of this sickness and let it pass you by.

The main thing about the travel is to have maximum pleasure of it. And no matter where you are – at Grand Canyon or Niagara Fall – even if you live there and you are not the tourist this time – feel it deeply, truly, from the very beginning till the end – because I think, this is the only thing we live for – such emotions, feelings and pleasure.

Have fun in all the places of the World.

Iuri Tarabanov writes about interesting travel experiences. His Travel Deals site is

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