How To Be Successful In Online Marketing In The Attention Age

By George Shears

Rich Schefren has earned a reputation for being one of the top experts in online marketing; in fact, he is commonly referred to as the "guru's guru" in this domain.

In keeping with this reputation, he breaks important new ground in his recently-published e-book, "The Attention Age Doctrine." In this book, he argues persuasively that we have now entered into what he calls "The Attention Age" and that this has brought about a major shift in the currency of our entire economy.

In underscoring the crucial importance of this shift for online marketers, he states that we ". . .stand on the threshold of the greatest wealth-building business opportunity in history, but for many it could be a gruesome business disaster." One of the hallmarks of this new Attention Age is "internet attention deficit disorder," which gives rise to a major scarcity of attention among online customers and prospective customers. Online marketers also suffer from this new disorder.

This deficit has developed as a result of the constantly increasing amount of information impinging upon internet users, along with the overwhelming number of potential choices that this information entails. In a manner of speaking, by constantly "paying attention" to this overload of information, many have basically gone into "attentional bankruptcy" and have no more attention to "pay."
Here are some of the most important implications of this new business environment for online marketers and for anyone wanting to earn money online.

1. The exaggerated hype and downright lies of those hawking endless "opportunities" and get rich quick schemes on the internet, are increasingly losing their seductive appeal . Those using this promotional strategy, therefore, as well as those who fall victim to it, are heading down a dismal dead-end street.

2. The huge twin challenges in the Attention Age economy are first to successfully CAPTURE the attention of prospective consumers or business partners and then to KEEP their attention over time by offering them effective long-range solutions to their problems.

3. In order to capture their attention, it's crucially necessary to find out what is the single greatest problem they face and then present them with a better SOLUTION to that problem than is offered by your competitors.

4. This means that you must first develop a RELATIONSHIP with them before presenting them with a solution. Those marketers who develop the most effective relationship-building methods, therefore, are the ones likely to enjoy the greatest success in the new Attention Age marketplace. This means that the current prevailing strategy of bombarding prospective customers with "I know what your problem is and I've got just the deal for you" will be increasingly doomed to failure; whereas the new strategy of "I want to get to know you and find out what you need" is much more likely to lead to success.

5. If you have a potential solution for people whose main problem is needing more income, for example, the easiest way to have a huge advantage over most of the current competition is simply to replace the former strategy with the latter one--that is, instead of trying to GRAB their attention by bombarding them with all of the wonders of your "opportunity" and what it's going to do for them, to INVITE THEM TO TELL YOU about their specific problems. Then invite them to join your business on a trial basis for free or at a very nominal cost. As a means of building a relationship with them, let them discover for themselves whether or not you have an effective solution to their problem.

6. Finally, anyone wanting to be successful in earning income online in this new Attention Age will have to forsake the sparkly "fools gold" of quick-fix "opportunities" and instead to build a solid, legitimate business that effectively incorporates and utilizes the strategies outlined above.

George Shears is a retired psychologist and veteran online marketer. He currently coaches and mentors aspiring online marketers in utilizing a revolutionary new online business-building system, the Tycoon Wealth System, to generate both immediate and stable, long-term residual income. His contact information is:

George Shears Business Coach & Mentor WealthBuilding
Tycoon, LLC 651-204-0523

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