You Dont Have to Work That Hard

By Gina Ratliffe

"Riches begin with a state of mind. With definiteness of purpose, and with little or no hard work." (Taken from Think & Grow Rich)

Sounds good, right? Then why is it so opposite the way most of us think? We tend to tell ourselves that we have to work so hard to get what we want, to lose the weight, to make the money, to create this, to get that done.

But let me assure you, we were not meant to live heavily burdened lives.

Show me the scripture that says you are meant to have a life of heavy burden. That you are meant to work constantly. That you are supposed to do it all by yourself. There's no scripture (from any faith) like that, right?

It's time to really understand and believe that life is not meant to be hard. Nowhere does it say that we are meant to pound the pavement ourselves and work ourselves into oblivion to get what we want. Chances are, if we are really in alignment with what it is we want, God wants us to have it too. He is not up there thinking, "how can I get her to work really hard for this, I know she really wants it. Let's see how hard we can make it for her." Right?

It is the testing of our faith that produces perseverance and it is that perseverance that produces character. And from that character, it is necessary to realize that much of what our culture has taught us--that we HAVE to work hard-is not necessarily true.

It all begin's with your intention. Do what you know. Do what is within your hand. And then follow the people who have been successful doing exactly what it is that you're going after.

You don't have to do this alone. We live in an age of specialists now! There are people out there that are absolute experts in what it is you want to do and accomplish.

Part of what Esther had was a whole support system of maids. When she had to pray and fast, she said, "I'm going to gather my maids and we are going to pray and fast."

So part of what I want all of you to look at is, what assistance do you have available to you to accomplish more and actually do less?

It might mean you getting out of the way of yourself. It might mean letting life be a little bit lighter and easier. It might mean you getting an assistant. It might mean asking your husband or your kids for help with something. It might mean sitting down at the beginning of your day and structuring in three hours to do your work and then the rest of the day to ENJOY yourself, to do what calls you from your soul. There's nothing spiritual about a drained, dried, depleted woman.

The world glorifies luscious, wise, exciting, sensitive, soft women. And no one is going to make you softer than you. There isn't a man, there isn't an amount of money, there isn't an assistant, there isn't anyone who can give you that luscious softness, elegance, magnetism and attraction better than YOU.

And that will require you taking time for your life. Chances are it will require you going a little slower. Chances are it will require you actually living the spiritual practice that I know you all know.

And guess what? You have what you need. And when you have these foundational pieces in line for you, when you're taking care of yourself, when you're in tune with your emotions, when you are journaling or meditating, or doing yoga, or working out, or loving that you're making healthy food choices, then, and only then will you go further.

This will be your foundation. But until you are totally connected to yourself on a deep level, the rest of your work is just futile. It's just empty energy. And there isn't a single woman that doesn't desire profound purpose for her life.

My encouragement to you all is to do what it takes to have meaning in your life. And that may require stopping. That may require breathing and listening to yourself breathe. Who is it that you need to be? What might you need to do differently? The best part is, it's up to you.
© 2007 Gina Ratliffe

**If you would like personalized coaching to assist you in overcoming
your obstacles, call Gina at 310-773-1824 or email her at Gina@EstherExperience.comfor further details.


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