Why Is The Law Of Attraction Not Working For Me?

By Colin Vandermeulen

The main components to the law of attraction
Many people mistakenly believe that all they need to do to activate the law of attraction is to sit in their living room and visualize having what they want. While this is one important aspect of it, it goes much deeper and involves much more than this. Action, belief, allowing, and letting go are all key elements that are required to successfully activate the law of attraction in your favor.

Take some time to watch or research some successful people that you may admire. Chances are that you’ll find out that these people are BUSY. Or at the very least, they put a lot of time and effort in at some point in their lives to get to where they are today. It takes ACTION to achieve your goals. If you do nothing but sit in your living room visualizing, you won’t get anywhere. You need to take action steps to achieve your goals.

If you’re not sure what step to take, do something small, anything you can think of to get you started. Once you take your first step, the law of attraction will see you taking action and will present the next step to you. Don’t worry about doing something wrong. If you mess up, it’s only a failure if you give up. Learn from your mistakes and the Universe will present you with another path to reach your goal. Keep trying.

As an interesting side note, I find it intriguing that human beings are the only creature on this planet that can be complacent. They’re the only ones willing to give up and just accept things as they are. If you look at nature, a tree will always grow as big as it can. If you place an obstacle in front of an ant, it doesn’t just give up either. It will either go over, around, or under any obstacle. We can learn a lot from observing nature.

Emotional Blocks
If you’re a bit of a veteran in regards to reading up on the law of attraction, you will have probably come across the idea of being in vibration harmony with what you want. Basically what this means is that we have to be at an emotional match to what we want to receive. Emotions have much more attraction force than visualizing so we need to examine our emotions closely as they relate to our desires.

1. Wanting vs. Having
Take a moment and write down a few things that you want in your life. Are you done? I’m guessing that the items on your list didn’t include anything you already have? When you’re in the mindset of ‘wanting’ something, then you’re stuck in an emotional state of not having something. Your emotional state of wanting or not having will actually by the law of attraction, attract more circumstances for you to want and not have.

When you visualize try to imagine HAVING it NOW. Get right into it, feel what it’s like to have what you want. Make it as vivid and detailed as possible. Try to make a daily habit of doing this for at least 10-15 minutes. After a while this image of having it now will become more engrained in your subconscious mind and it will begin to look for ways to make it a reality.

2. Resistance
When you write down or visualize your desires or goals, what feelings come up? Do you really believe you can have them? Are you feeling resistance to taking the actions required to achieve what you want? Unfortunately, these are the biggest blocks to having the law of attraction work for you and they’re also the most difficult to change.

When you feel like you can’t achieve what you want, you’re sending that vibration out to the Universe and the Universe responds without question and by the law of attraction continues to keep you stuck where you are. Only when you believe that you can achieve, will you achieve. If you’re having trouble believing, break your goal down into smaller believable chunks. If you wish to earn $100,000 per year, but that’s not believable to you, make a smaller goal of $50,000 first if that’s believable for you. When you get there, make a new goal of $60,000 and just keep going until you hit your overall goal of $100,000.

Remember that the Universe is unlimited; it can just as easily give you $1 million as $1. It’s our beliefs that limit what the Universe can do for us.

3. Letting go of what you want
The law of attraction will work best when you can let go of getting what you want. What does this mean? Basically it means that if you get what you desire, great, if not, you’re still ok with the way things are right now. If you’re not happy with the way things are right now, then unfortunately, that is the vibration that you’re offering to the Universe and by the law of attraction, it will give you more circumstances where you won’t be happy with the way things are. Put in the simplest terms I can think of – What would you love to be, do, or have, but you’ll still be ok if it doesn’t happen for you? Learn to look for things to be happy about in the moment.
What are you grateful for in your life right now? When you learn to be more grateful for what you have right now, then the Universe will respond by the law of attraction and bring you more things to be grateful for. Spend some time everyday writing a journal of things you’re grateful for in your life. If you’re having trouble, go as simple as being grateful for the breath you just took, or the sunshine outside, or your health, or freedom, or your ability to read or see or walk. The list really is almost endless.

If you can put these things into practice, it should help you achieve better results with the law of attraction. Have patience though. The law of attraction works every time, but it doesn’t always work instantly or when you expect it to. Keep faith, often when people are just about to start seeing results they give up and say “this stuff doesn’t work”. And when they do, the Universe and the law of attraction bring them more circumstances to reinforce the idea that “this stuff doesn’t work”. If you keep at it using the principles above, it will work for you.

Colin VanderMeulen has been researching many forms of self-improvement and spirituality for years. He has recently begun his own website http://developingyou.net/ as a free resource for people looking to improve their lives.

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