Why Workers Resist E-Learning

By Rajesh Rastogi

With new methods of work having been introduced across companies there is a need to retrain workers in new technologies techniques and understandings. As time is always short and people cannot be taken out of their routine jobs and sent to class to learn the new ways of working, The solution is to learn by remote, or what is known as e-learning.

The Learning Management System (LMS)

In today's virtual era a new approach to up-gradation and training programme has evolved that has been defined as e-Learning. The Learning Management System (LMS) is an e-learning platform, specially created to bring ease a uniformity to the e-learning process.

LMS has been adopted by many companies to ensure that an interactive learning course is furnished to the workers. The workers can use the LMS in their spare time or at more convenient times without disrupting their normal course of work or life.

Resistance to E-learning

However even with all the advantages LMS has not had a great success and workers are not enthusiastic in adopting it.

An ASTD survey, in July of this year, asked trainers who was the most resistance to the introduction of workplace e-learning. The result----------managers (40%), trainers (25%), learners and technical support (both 15%).

The traditional reason is that it is a solitary learning method. While LMS is interactive in the sense that the learner or student can interact with his tutor by mail yet it is too impersonal and lacks the warmth of response from either side. Workers miss out on the liveliness of the classroom or group atmosphere. It tends to be lonesome hence tiring and quickly given up. The level of interest is generally too low given the fact that there is lack of a competitive atmosphere.

Also the advantage of taking an e-learning course when and where you want becomes a disadvantage instead. Workers in fact become stressed when they are forced to ad more into their already hectic schedules. Lack structure and a concrete timetable leads to the feeling of being used, workers are resentful of the intrusion upon their spare 'breathing' time.

Workers resent giving up the 'holiday' conventions, seminars and work shops provided them.
Also the work force is still a mix of generations; older generations are not comfortable with computers or the web and prefer the old system of learning. LMSs can sometimes be too complicated even for the tech savvy new generations.

Solution to Resistance

Every problem has a solution-

For better results and quicker acceptance e-learning should be blended in with traditional forms of learning, creating a hybrid in learning.

Don't be discouraged by the initial resistance try and have meetings and open discussions where workers can discuss there apprehensions and resentments against e-learning.

In the beginning circulate an internal monthly newsletter to highlight usage increases, feature different courses each month, and promote learning groups.

Hold a few work shops and start the e-learning program in a relaxed atmosphere. Encourage worker to ask questions and allow them to settle into e-learning slowly

Most important of all remember----------- Rome was not built in a day.

Don't be discouraged if you encounter initial resistance. Many people who resist you now may be the ones who need e-learning the most. They may very well appreciate the benefits of e-learning once they're comfortable with it.

It is critical to spend time and resources supporting your e-learning program. Promote elearning internally regularly - to get management buy-in and to ensure people are aware of, and use, the online training. Consider Your e-learning vendor should be eager to support you to ensure your success. Don't be shy about asking for and using this support - whether it's online resources, telephone support, or just regular contact with the company's sales representative.

Try to find internal champions to help you get the word out about e-learning. If you have a limited budget for promoting the solution, start small by demonstrating e-learning to smaller groups. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth in government agencies.

Garner support from individual supervisors or managers. Remember that support at the manager level is critical to success of any organizational change.

Rajesh Rastogi is an Internet infopreneur who has website on virtual learning environment
Different types of LMS are discussed including learing management system, M - learning system and offers e-learning services

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