What Are The Benefits Of Organic Cotton In Clothing?

By Cameron Postelwait

Organic foods have become more and more popular over the past couple decades. Even though its usually significantly more expensive, people still fork out the money. I've always assumed that most people do it for the health benefits. But lately there has been a growing market for clothing made from organically grown cotton. Obviously people aren't buying these clothes for their health, unless they misunderstood what a 'high-fiber diet' means.

Organic Cotton: Good for the Earth
So, obviously the implications of organically grown cotton isn't geared towards the body as much as it is geared towards the Earth. Organically grown cotton essentially refers to the way the cotton is grown and manufactured. Eco-friendly farmers try to find ways to limit the kinds of harmful chemicals that are put into the ground. Once those chemicals mix in with the soil, it effects future vegetation and animal life for years and years to come. The chemicals also find their way down into the water table (our natural fresh water supply deep down under the soil).

Substituting Chemicals with Brains
Instead of the lazy mainstream farming model where chemicals are used to maximize on profits, organic farmers substitute chemicals with innovation. Instead of using synthetic fertilizers which over time can throw off the soil's PH and cause other problems for animals, organic farmers are using natural composting. Instead of pesticides which can throw off the food chain and effect larger animals, organic farmers are introducing beneficial insects and predators, and also using insect traps to pin-point a very small area for insect control. Instead of using harmful herbicides, organic farmers are coming up with innovative weeding techniques.

Market Driven Activism
The old model of standing on the street with signs just isn't enough. The smart way to help people become aware of organic cotton is the capitalistic model. Many smart companies are jumping on the coat tails of the Earth-friendly trend. The more we support these farmers by spending money on organically grown cotton, the lower the prices will get and the smaller the human foot print will be on the Earth.

Cameron Postelwait is the admin for the forum about GoYin and works at Sewell Direct: a retailer of Organic Cotton Clothing

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