You Are the Best Predictor of Your Future

By Paul Sutherland

Do you realize you have a uniquely amazing gift, in your possession right this very moment, to do with as you see fit? You can squander, resent, abuse, hate, and even throw it away; or, you can cherish it with an attitude of gratitude, and discover its infinite possibilities. The choice is yours and only yours, because you are the best predictor of your future.

Your life is truly a one-of-a-kind gift, a treasure to be discovered over time. Sadly, you may decide to squander your life away in a spirit of total resignation to the ills in the world around you. You can constantly complain about everything that has ever gone wrong, from the first day until now. You can dwell on a troubled childhood, friends that have let you down in the past, a thankless job, or a myriad of other negative issues. But, what good does it do? Absolutely none!

The more you think about the events that have not worked out in your life, the more depressing and negative your life will become. Why? The answer: you are the best predictor of your future.
If all you look for are the negative aspects of life, sadness and frustration will be your lot in life.
Fortunately, your future does not have to be that way.

Instead, you can see your precious gift as a source of infinite possibilities. With the right attitude, and a spirit of wonder and amazement, you can learn the art of living your dreams. If you go through life expecting to find blessings, good will come your way. Why? If you anticipate love, friendship, happiness, and all the other riches your life has to afford, you will be dumbstruck at how often you will find what you seek.

Your are the best predictor of your future. Do you see your life as simply a day to day struggle, or do you see it as a precious gift with infinite possibilities? Are you always complaining about how you wish aspects of your life were different, but you are unwilling to put forth any effort to turn things around? Or, do you always look at the cup of life as half full, and live your life expecting to find the resources to fill it to the brim? If so, then you can learn the art of living your dreams.

Paul Sutherland is an Accelerated Business Growth Coach. His company - Daniel Thomas International is also heavily involved in personal development and growth. For that reason a website was created. Here you will find some of the very best tried tested and proven methods for creating the life you really want to achieve.

Don't make the mistake of trying the same old things and expecting different results. Make a real difference in your life right now and find out what works in the real world.

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