The New Era in Travel Arrangements

By Michael Allen

Many things have changed in the world of travel. Some things are tougher. Some things are more convenient. But, most travelers believe that it’s all for the better.

When you travel regularly, there are some hassles. Long lines checking in at the airline. Long lines going through the security. Flight delays. These things have a tendency to get on a traveler’s nerves. That’s why most travelers make appropriate arrangements.

Airport Security
Get to the airport early enough to be able to glide through relatively smoothly. Bring reading material or work to do because nothing can make time run quicker than losing yourself in something time consuming. Finally, make sure that what you wear and what you carry has nothing out of the norm that can have you flagged for a little extra security attention.

Internet Check-In
But, there are some things that are more convenient…for most people who stay on top of their travel arrangements. Most airlines have complete online access. Purchase your ticket. Make all your arrangements. And check-in online.

Internet check-in is a fairly new concept, but it caught on like wildfire. You can check up to date information on flight schedules and delays right from your laptop on your wifi connection. There are plenty of airports with cafes that have wifi for free or a small fee. But, it’s more convenient to just make a quick check before you even leave for the airport to make sure everything is running smooth.

Airport Wayfinder
You can get a good look at the airport right from the internet too. Don’t know where your gate is? That’s fine. Look it up and get a good idea where you’re going to have to go rather than walk around looking like it’s your first time ever. A handful of airports have signed on to the new Airport Wayfinder where you can watch a video that will navigate you through the airport. But, other major airlines are working on their virtual tours and will soon become part of the new virtual tour trend.

Weekend Warriors
Another trend that has taken place has been the shift major corporations have made and the other shift individuals have embraced. Corporations and now even smaller companies are allowing more and more of their key employees to work at home. Plus, being your own boss and working from home is an individual choice that more and more people are making. These shifts have led to a change in vacationing habits.

Weekend vacations are more common these days. Work until Thursday, take off until Monday and you put in two weeks worth of work with a vacation in between. Can’t beat that! That’s why more travel sites are offering weekend deals for the weekend warriors who can only afford to take a few days at a time.

The hassles certainly could never outweigh the conveniences or the travel industry would just go bust. For every security measure an airport has to take on for everyone’s protection, I think the travel industry as a whole offers some convenience to keep people smiling. It’s really not a bad proposition if you think about it. The travel industry is keeping up with the speed of technology and it’s working to our best benefit.

Michael Allen is a professional writer who travels the world for leisure and business. Having traveled half the world by the time he was twenty, he often jokes that he has seen the other half since. With writings that include A Danger to Society, Michael Allen's travels won't end any time soon being a highly sought after writer of our generation.

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